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Do I put a pillowcase on my cooling pillow?

Author: Molly
Apr. 06, 2024
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Do I put a pillowcase on my cooling pillow? The answer is yes, you should put a pillowcase on your cooling pillow. While the cooling properties of the pillow itself are meant to help regulate your body temperature and keep you cool throughout the night, a pillowcase is still necessary to protect the pillow from dirt, oils, and other debris. .

Putting a pillowcase on your cooling pillow serves a few important purposes. Firstly, it helps to keep your pillow clean and free from any allergens or bacteria that may be present on your skin or in the air. This is especially important if you suffer from allergies or respiratory issues. Secondly, a pillowcase can help to extend the life of your cooling pillow by preventing it from becoming stained or damaged over time. .

In terms of the cooling properties of the pillow itself, a pillowcase should not significantly impact its ability to regulate your body temperature. Most cooling pillows are designed with materials that are breathable and allow for proper airflow, even when covered with a pillowcase. However, it is important to choose a pillowcase that is made from a lightweight, breathable fabric such as cotton or bamboo to ensure that the cooling properties of the pillow are not compromised. .

Do I put a pillowcase on my cooling pillow?

Ultimately, putting a pillowcase on your cooling pillow is a simple and effective way to protect your investment and keep your sleeping environment clean and comfortable. By choosing a high-quality pillowcase that is both breathable and easy to clean, you can enjoy the benefits of a cooling pillow for years to come. So, don't forget to put a pillowcase on your cooling pillow for a better night's sleep.

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